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  4. Customizer Options and Setups
  5. Webmasters Tools

Webmasters Tools

This is an additional customization option in the Flash Blog-Plus Premium theme that is not present in the Flash Blog Free theme.

This section helps you to add different webmaster tools like google, bing, pinterest to your theme.

      • From Customize, go to Webmasters Tools.

The following features are available on Webmaster Tools:

      • Additional Script
      • Site Verification

1) Additional Script

      • Go to  Customize > Webmaster Tools  > Additional Script.
      • You will get the option to write the additional script before header and after footer.
      • Click on Publish to save the changes.

2) Site Verification

      • Go to  Customize > Webmaster Tools  > Site Verification.
      • You will get the option to manage different webmaster tools like google, bing, pinterest, alexa and yandex.
      • Click on Publish to save the changes.

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